When we first embarked on this great adventure of Rving across America we were full of grandiose ideas about how we could make money on the road. We started off with no debt but we also started off with a very small safety net in the bank. It has been obvious to us that in order to maintain this lifestyle and also save for our future that we would have to work in some capacity. We want to work and we want to be successful. This RV lifestyle isn’t about running away from life and responsibility, it’s about making life happen for us. Still a work in progress but we are finally starting to go with the flow.
We had it all planned out. I like to take pictures and my husband likes to play music. We would travel the country hitting farmers markets and art faires. I would have a photography booth and Mitch would find open mike nights and blues jams to play with people. We would have a youtube channel where Mitch’s guitar would be the soundtrack and my travel photos featured. Sharing our adventures in exchange for views and likes. No problem, everybody’s doing it.
Then reality hit. Life on the road was not as glamorous as it looked, and learning how to live in an RV turned out to be full time work on it’s own in the beginning. We had no clue that there would be such a learning curve that would also play on our emotions and challenge our relationship. Finding time among travel days, researching boondocking spots, dump and water stations, showers, keeping warm or cool, to start any kind of business was overwhelming. We were just trying to figure out how to take care of our basic needs.
We gave ourselves three months to get the hang of things and began to make videos. At the three month marker we went to our first Xscaper event. What a game changer. We already felt that the farmers market thing wasn’t going to work for us. We wanted more freedom to move about as necessary. The Xscapers offered a number of workshops that covered the gambit of RV living including making a living on the road. I felt relieved that there could a fall back like work camping or Amazon. But we also learned more about Blogging, Vlogging, and content creating.
We realized that you have to do a little more than just document your adventure to make money and we also learned that the market is a bit flooded. There is always room for more but the niche must be unique. We also considered ditching that idea completely. We really had no plan. No idea what it is that we are trying to sell other than some beautiful hikes around America.
After an inspiring workshop I decided to try a blog as I do like to write. First I thought to write about health on the road using my nursing background but I found no passion for that. Then came my stumble upon my grandfathers birth place, the limited information caused me to explore a whole new part of America that I never knew existed, the history, the people, the how’s and why’s. I found a topic that I can get behind. History.
RoadWard Bound on Who Made America. I am finding that the history behind a town and the people who sacrificed for new beginnings are fascinating. We cry here in America about unfairness, oppression, prejudice, and inequality but through history we can learn how truly blessed we are. All colors and creeds have struggled and all have prevailed and when we think that we have it bad we merely need to remember who came before us. Americans are as beautiful as the countryside itself and I’m excited to find them and tell their stories as we take this journey to get to know America together.
Who Made Who